BGC LA Services


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Please come back soon to check out this page where we will be blogging with all our foodie followers. We have a dedicated team of brave lunch pioneers venturing out on the streets of downtown Los Angeles everyday. They will report back from all and every little trendy, fancy, chic or hole-in-the-wall restaurant. We may also blog about any news-worthy incidents our team might come across, just for your entertainment.


D-Town Burger Lady
Olympic & Main
Fashion District

D-Twon Burger Lady. Historic KRKD radio tower in the background.
KRKD went on the air in January 1927

Billboard Film Crew at Work
Universal Studios Billboard on Main and 4th Having breakfast and watching the film crew at work. 6th & Spring
Rainbow over downtown Broadway Bar
Rainbow over Los Angeles, view from 26th floor of AT&T Building Broadway Bar on Broadway!



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